Baker Says Sanctuary Is Up To Mayors-- Morse Says He Will Fight

Governor Charlie Baker says he doesn't believe Massachusetts should be a sanctuary state.  '

However, Baker also says he believes cities and towns should be able to make their own decision on the issue.  Baker commented on the issue at a forum last night in Boston.  

The governor also says he doesn't think Republicans in Washington will repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement.

Meantime, the Mayor of Holyoke, Alex Morse says that the Trump Executive Order is toothless and he will fight it all the way.  Holyoke is a Sanctuary City as is Northampton and Amherst.

However, Springfield Mayor Dom Sarno says that his city is not now a Sanctuary City nor is he seeking to make it one under his administration.  He says an independent group tapped the city as a Sanctuary but was incorrect in doing so.

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