Schools Ready For The Return To School

A Granby Junior-Senior High School  student is being accused of threatening a school shooting.  

Granby  police say the 14-year-old boy threatened another minor on social media  and posted a picture of several guns in his possession, which were  eventually determined to be BB or pellet guns.  

The student then  allegedly made threats against people he believed had reported him to  police, and made additional threats to shoot up the school last week.   

The student has been arraigned in Hampshire Juvenile Court and is being  held in custody pending a dangerousness hearing. 

The Granby case comes amid growing concern among School Superintendents to increase school safety.

In West Springfield, Michael Richard has sent a message to parents assuring them that the school system is prepared and will keep students as safe as they can.

(thanks to KHQ for help)

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