You know what is so irritating about news today?
More people are concerned with the process of a story than the issues presented by the story.
For example. In Worcester, a city councilor wants to know if the city is a Sanctuary City. Now remember there are actually two ways that a city can be considered as such. One is a vote of the governing body and the other is an executive order. So a city councilor has drafted a resolution that goes through it’s paces in finding out.
If someone wants to know, ask the City Attorney for an answer. He will know.
The rest of it is all show.
Hence, you can talk about acting or acting really acting on an issue.
Understand that problems with acting versus talking are not exclusive to Worcester. We have these issues in Education as well. We have talked about changing the system but the system really hasn’t changed much.Educators will talk about all the computers and all the technology. But we are operating on a school calendar that measures the school year in days.
If education is so important, and it is, why can’t we figure out how many hours we want our kids to go to school and tell them they can’t graduate or go to summer break unless they complete it. Say 13 hundred hours. I go to work for 8 hours a day (at least) why can’t the kids put in the same work day.
That will never happen. So during the winter, at a drop of the hat schools will either have a half day or some kind of reduced hours at the expense of a lifetime of learning.
And, it is absolutely true.This would be a type of day when I would pray that we went home early to beat the snow. Algebra was always in the afternoon. And I would rather have my teeth pulled then have to sit through a class.
In Washington we have the same thing. The current President is a businessman at heart. He makes decisions and goes full speed ahead. If things need to be tweaked ---they will be tweaked. We aren’t used to that in DC. No one is.
We do too much talking and not enough acting.
Now the question is “which is the proper action to take?”