I am done with the phone.
It is beyond me what people consider things to worry about and what they are concerned about. People get upset when I announce that a particular community has a certain number of murders. Somehow they consider that keeping score that perpetuates a negative attitude. It is something where I actually understand the argument and dismiss it. Just be thankful I am where I am and not reporting in Chicago.
I was unprepared for what I was about to face.
Somehow I am perpetuating a negative connotation about the legal marijuana industry by my nomenclature.
When dealing with the recreational sale of marijuana I referred to it as “the sale of recreational pot”.
Somehow I am painting “pot” by using the term “pot” in a negative light because people consider pot an illegal substance and marijuana is in a much more positive light.
I thanked the caller, put down the phone and shook my head.
That’s all I could do.
Understand that I have a certain amount of time to convey the story and my shorthand to get through a story is not designed to send anyone a secret message. It is designed to simply convey the message of what the story is.
So when I report today that that in East Longmeadow they are going to have an informational meeting ahead of a town vote on the potential sale of recreational pot, I am not endorsing it or rejecting it, I am just reporting the story not commenting. Trust me. I’m not shy. I will tell you when I am commenting.
I guess I just did.
(Photo by Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post via Getty Images)