A lot of people, very smart people are trying to figure out what to do with guns in this country.
I am not sure that you are going to be able to solve the issue to any great degree.
The gun laws are dependent upon people living up to the standard of the law and people being who they are in this day and age, they will always find away to either skirt the law that is on the books or find another way to bestow hurt on another human being.But what is the answer?
If you believe that a law can do it, and we all hope that we can get it done that way, then one has to wonder what the big problem is.There are 50 states with varying degrees of intensity of gun laws. Massachusetts is considered to be the toughest in the nation.
Connecticut is right behind.
But if these laws are so great, then why can't we find someone in DC to do a "cut and paste" operation and take what is good from every law in all the states and put it into one national law.
But, you have to go further than that.
You need to increase the penalties for people breaking into homes and businesses and who steal guns.You need a mental health component.
And, you need a level of luck that the world has never seen before.You see no matter what you do or how you do it, there will still be people involved.
And since you have people involved ---you will always have those who are devious.
And, if someone has a way to stop devious people from doing evil things, you will earn yourself the Nobel Peace prize and a place in the hearts of every parent around the country and the world.
One thing is for certain, if we can get R's and D's can come together and make real change and make real progress, then what is to prevent them from working together to get more done for our benefit?
Who has that way?
(thanks to our media partner Carl Stevens/WBZ for picture help )