You know the news cycle these days resembles something out of the supermarket tabloids.
But there is another problem with the news cycle and that is everyone is asking the same old question.
"Will the casino revive Springfield?"
So long as you ask the same question about Worcester's 500 million dollar package that includes a baseball stadium I won't go to hard on you.
Asking such a question is rather defiant when one considers what we are dealing with.
It assumes that Springfield was either dead or in the process.It considers that there was no hope. That there was despair.
The truth of the matter remains that old New England Cities, Hartford, Springfield, Worcester and others like it are in the same boat.
The big cities with their big voting blocks get all the attention and all of the money and all of the creativity, while small and medium sized cities and towns get the crumbs.
If that weren't enough, when there is a success brewing like a casino -- you wouldn't know that the city was left on its own for such a long time because the whole world will take credit for it.
Here's something.Poor, inner cities have a wealth of problems from crime, to despair to job growth to a general distrust that anything will get better.
When one business left, another was right behind it and there was no one to replace the positive or the tax dollars associated with it.
Boston doesn't understand that.
If Boston said today were Saturday the whole world would agree.
Boston thinks as it goes so does the state.
Here is bulletin for you, as cities like Springfield and Hartford and Worcester go so does your state.It takes no great genius to figure out how to steer the ship when the seas are calm.
The true greatness of a city can be determined when the storm clouds are there.So don't ask about will a casino, or a baseball park or a whatever is going to revive a city.
Ask yourselves how best you can build on the cards that were dealt --oh was that a casino reference?And when you get your answer...then build on that and that again.
Richard Roeper the American Critic once wrote, "Sometimes a three-to-one favorite loses. That's why they keep flipping over the cards."
I would gladly play that hand.
I think Springfield would too.