For the last ten years, Springfield has had an annual cleanup day, grabbing as many volunteers as The Keep Springfield Beautiful organization could find, going from neighborhood to neighborhood and getting as much done as they could. Melvin Edwards, the affable Springfield City Councilor who also spearheads the group still stunned after all these years with what is found.
The Group is a 501C3 not for profit which has been doing projects like this for some time. They do it the right way. They don’t go into a neighborhood and tell you what to clean. They bring a helping hand, a pair of gloves and perhaps a bottle of water and ask you what they can do to support you in your effort to keep your neighborhood clean.
And before you ask, what difference does a clean neighborhood make--you will find not only in western Mass but throughout the nation the cleaner a neighborhood, the more business it does in economic development, the fewer police calls, the less need for social services. The more pride it will have.
Councilor Edwards could probably do a fair amount of trash talking on this subject. He of course is a supporter of the plastic bag ban that the mayor could sign at any time. But he doesn’t want to stop there.
“If it were up to me, I would ban a lot more than just the bags,” he says. “You would be surprised as to how many nip bottles you would find...wrappers….Styrofoam. You would be shocked.”
Nip Bottles, needles, bedding, tires. If you can think of it, generally speaking he and his group has probably found it in some secluded area or some off the beaten trail of the city.
In one community on the Cape, more than 12 hundred nip bottles were collected during a similar activity last year. 12 hundred? If it's that number there...think what it might be here.
So join the counselor, your friends and neighbors in a community cleanup. It starts somewhere and sometime. Why don’t we all in our own way start Saturday and start cleaning. A little bit at a time --by a lot of people will go along way.
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It's our city. Let's do something good for it and to it.