One of the stories on the board for today is one that will not get much if any mention.
People will go about their business not knowing and many others will not care.
Yet then at a time of our history where men (women, remember weren't eligible for the military combat operations) served in the military not for adoration or ego, they volunteered in many cases to protect this country when it was needed the most.
The US Coast Guard will honor Norman Wood Finch.
The Springfield Seaman will be presented the Purple Heart at the Chatham Coast Guard Station. The Seaman was killed along with 129 others when the USCG Cutter Tampa was torpedoed in 1918.
The Seaman’s Family lives now in Brewster.
The cutter sank in three minutes and was the single largest loss of life for the Coast Guard in World War 1.
At the time of Finch’s death, a member of the Coast Guard was not eligible for the Purple Heart. .
That changed in 1942.
The sacrifices of Finch and the others were overlooked until 1999.
They won't be today and hopefully never forgotten.
(Logo and Pictures Provided By: US Coast Guard)