WHYN DayBreak with John Baibak

WHYN DayBreak with John Baibak

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Working As One? When Diversity Becomes One

Easter is coming up. It is generally considered the time of year where we can have a new start---a new beginning. Such a hope is not lost considering what we are all going through right now.

“When diversity becomes one.”

Bill Gaither, one of the most prolific of all the Gospel Music writers said that in a recent video.

No truer words have ever been spoken.

As we go through crises and perceived uncertainty, we have more and more people looking for answers and to assign blame.

What we need now is not to look back---but ahead. We need to talk to one another and understand that uncertainty is what life is all about but once we figure out that uncertainty is never infinite we can perhaps coexist was out despair and heartache.

And once that happens “Diversity becomes one.

People will come together…

People will unite and win.

And when all that happens maybe we can hope that we will never again have to listen to some woman tell us that usually she has 50 rolls of toilet paper in the house and she raced out to get more.”

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