The Voice's Brynn Cartelli Means More Than A Song

Someone asked me in the coffee shop why the Brynn Cartelli story is such a big deal for everyone around here.

I quickly suggested that the asker of the question look at the rest of the world and get back to me with an answer.I was not trying to be dismissive of the question.  

But consider this. 

The news cycle on any particular day is defined by death and destruction and untrust and general disdain for common decency.

And, forever and ever people say why "why don't you do some good news stories?"  

As if there are a lot of them out there to choose from.

The truth of the matter is that in a time in out history where no one trusts anyone or likes anyone --we have a local kid... she is only 15 now. 

Clean cut.  Good family.  Thankful for her ability that maneuvered through a show and won and now has the rest of her life to live for real that so many with so less of a talent can only dream of.

So if for no other reason than Brynn Cartelli, the Longmeadow kid with the booming voice can give us a chance to rest from the latest roaring from the White House...the latest bickering by politicians or the latest crime and corruption, can't we just take it for what its worth and leave it at that?

A local kid makes good.  

And now the sky is the limit for her.

Thanks Brynn.

(Picture with thanks:  Chris Haston/NBC Universal)

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