Nice? You Want Us To Be Nice?

When I get out of the office the best part of my day centers upon just listening to people.  

It is stunning.

If you are out today listen carefully to how many people throughout a day complain about just about everything and anything.

They complain about the weather, the wife, the White House, The Legislature, the border and just about everything else.  Some of which I can understand.

It is an energy sapping...intelligence draining waste of time, mind and body for both the one that is talking and the one that is listening.

It leads to a usually nice person being mean.  

Being mindful of only the moment rather than the task.

Winning the argument rather than winning the day ahead of us.

Sometimes we just complain because we want to complain and haven’t figured out what else to do with ourselves.

Complaining for the most part is an absolute waste of time.

So, I will if you will.

What if we were all for a whole hour today be nice?

Then we will work on another hour and an hour after that until we all make a day of it.

And, since we are looking for all that is right, we won’t worry about what goes on in Washington or Boston or Hartford.  

There isn’t anything we can do about it anyway.

If we all concentrated on being the best we can rather than worrying we might find ourselves ready to do something else.

Henry Ford once said, among other things, “Anyone can complain.”

He was right.

By extension, that means that “anyone can be nice” as well.

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