City Councilors Debate Commissioner's Contract

Springfield City Councilors followed through on the financial transfers needed in order to make all the payouts for retired Springfield Police officers, including to the just retired commissioner.

John Barbieri had received 157 thousand dollars in salary through the middle of May. It was triggered by an automatic extension of six months at the end of last year when the city did not exercise its prerogative not to extend the current contract.

But city councilor Orlando Ramos questions the contract provisions. He contended that the city being on the hook for the money weeks after an extension was granted was unthinkable for the taxpayer.

But City Solicitor Ed Pikula says that it was not a mistake that the city was responsible for the payments.

Ramos had asked for a closed door session to discuss the terms.

Ramos says he wants to insure that the taxpayers are protected and that there are no excessive expenses to the public.

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