Governor: Mass Registry At Fault For Not Pulling License

Officials at the Registry or Motor Vehicles says it is working on getting an audit to look into out-of-state notifications for Massachusetts drivers, which has been triggered by the case of West Springfield man Volodymyr Zhukovskyy.

He's accused of causing a crash in New Hampshire which killed seven people last month while holding a license that was supposed to have been suspended following an incident in Connecticut in the month of May.

MassDOT says it worked with the Registry of Motor Vehicles to clear a backlog of hundreds of electronic notices of serious driving offenses requiring manual review and fixed the computer system process which put some cases into the manual review category, including Zhukovskyy's case.

MassDOT says there was also a huge backlog of written notifications, and that suspensions have been applied to all appropriate driving records.

(East Windsor, Connecticut Police Mug Shot)

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