City Councilors At Opposite Odds Of Morse Campaign Controversy

Congressional candidate Alex Morse claimed during Monday night's debate that the state Democratic Party chair had, quote, "discouraged" him from running against Congressman Richard Neal. But party chair Gus Bickford disputed that claim, said to have been made personally to Morse over a year ago. Bickford confirmed he had a lunch meeting with Morse to MassLive, but said at no point did he ever tell him he should not run.

Meanwhile, in Holyoke, where Alex Morse is the mayor, one member of the City Council is going after another for comments made about allegations against Morse of inappropriate romantic relationships. Councilor Libby Hernandez claims co-board member Michael Sullivan commented on fabricated allegations and took advantage of innuendo and homophobic tropes to claim Morse should resign for, quote, "abhorrent behavior." 

Sullivan is trying to get a recall vote and an investigation against the mayor on the table. Hernandez wants the council to issue a censure against him and demand a public apology.

Sullivan says that he is protecting the rights of residents and Hernandez is a long time Morse supporter.

(Photo Credit: John Baibak/WHYN News)

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