D-A Supports POTUS Pot Pardon- Urges Governor To Do Same


The Hampden County DA says the President did the right thing last week when he pardoned thousands of people with minor marijuana convictions on their records. Anthony Gullini says he has broached this approach for years because he believes in second chances.

The DA says not only does he support the President's move but he is urging governors including Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker to do the same.

“Direction and encouragement for record expungement and sealing is something my office has presented to audiences for years, including people with convictions from minor marijuana offenses. I support President Biden’s step to pardon these offenses at the federal level and, moreover, his encouragement of governors to do the same at the state level. I believe in second chances for those who have paid their debt and moved on, especially considering how simple marijuana possession is now legal. Removing these minor charges from people’s records could breakdown barriers for them as they seek to contribute to society and support their families, including seeking employment or financial aid for school.”

Now the governor hasn't said whether he would pardon people- but his office says in 2018 he signed a measure that allows some people to apply for expungement.

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