The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


Should Andrew Tate Be a Role Model for Young Men?

Controversial influencer Andrew Tate has become a role model for some young men on the Right. But should he be? Is he even “conservative” or “based”? Fellow BlazeTV host ‪@AllieBethStuckey‬ joins Glenn to discuss what Tate actually believes, in his own words, about women and feminism: “Do we need strong male leadership examples for men? Andrew Tate is not that.” But should the Trump administration and Florida prosecute the Tate brothers?

Allie also talks about her next "Share The Arrows" event, which you can get tickets for at


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

STU: Can you hit the Andrew Tate thing at all? I don't know how much you've gone into it. I don't really know anything about him.

ALLIE: You know, I thought that you were a huge Andrew Tate fan. You struck me as that. Wow.

GLENN: Here's the thing, my son said to me, dad, I don't know how to feel about Andrew Tate. I think I kind of like him. I'm like, son, I don't know anything about him. But I will figure this one out. Because I'm not -- I'm not sure that should be -- and that's where young men are going. And it seems to me, to be dangerous.

ALLIE: Yeah.

GLENN: But I don't really know. I haven't done any work on it.

STU: I did the one thing where it's like you're going through Twitter, and someone posts. You keep seeing his name. I keep seeing people post about him. I've never heard of the guy. If you think Andrew Tate is a real conservative. And I clicked on it. And it was a video of him saying the worst things possible for about ten straight minutes. And I was like -- and seemingly physically abusing a bunch of women. And I was like, I don't -- are there actually conservatives who think guy is a good guy?

ALLIE: Yes. 100 percent.

GLENN: I think there are young men.

STU: Do they not see this stuff?

GLENN: I don't know. We have made men so wimpy. This is -- this is from zero homework. Okay. So this could be proven wrong six ways to Sunday.

ALLIE: Don't worry, I'll check you.

GLENN: So I'm just saying, this is me shooting from my hip. Kids, men, boys have become -- wearing skirts. And it's totally fine. And you want -- it's bad to be a man. And there's no tough men. And everything else.

I think he is the overreaction. The pendulum swinging so far the other way, that young people are looking at him, and going, you know. You know, it's time for men to be men.

But that's not what men are. That's not what a good man is.

STU: No.

GLENN: You know what I mean?

ALLIE: Yeah.

GLENN: And I could be wrong.

ALLIE: No. I think that's part of it. That's certainly why people defend him.

And I've listened to things he says. Of course, he says things we would agree about feminism. About the emasculation of men, about how men to be providers. They need to be tough. They need to take care of women. But at the same time, he's a self-proclaimed pimp, who has prostituted young girls on video, talking about his academy -- his academy. It's an online academy, where he has trained other men to pimp out women online.

And so that was how he made his money.

GLENN: That sounds like Hollywood.

ALLIE: Yeah. PhD. Course. Pimping hoes course or whatever. Is what he called it. And, yeah, he is on tape beating women with a belt and threatening them.

GLENN: Jeez.

ALLIE: And so he might say he's different now, but I don't know how anyone can say he's redeemed because he became a Muslim, which is basically just a religious justification for oppressing women. And he still says --

GLENN: Wow. What a brave statement. I'm off the hook for my earlier statement.

ALLIE: I overshouted it.

GLENN: Did you hear what Allie Beth said after I said it?

ALLIE: I mean, it's just not surprising that he didn't become Christian or something like that. So that's who Andrew Tate is. I would say no. No young man should follow him. Do we need strong male leadership examples for men? Yes. Andrew Tate is not that.

GLENN: Yes. And that's going back to this whole thing, Christ is king.

It's the same thing. You'll see, this is what Satan does. He'll take a little bit of truth. And then mix it in with a whole bunch of lies. And pervert everything.

And that's what's happening with these things. Is you'll see the truth of, yeah. You know what, men should be strong.

And then you look at it. Stu, I haven't seen this video.

Where he's beating women. I don't know. That doesn't seem like a strong man.

ALLIE: Yeah.

GLENN: That seems like a bully. And the exact opposite of what I think a man is.

STU: And when we say women. It's underaged girls.

ALLIE: That's the allegation we're talking about, 14 and 15-year-old girls in some cases.

STU: I saw Ron DeSantis' reaction to it in Florida, and it seemed completely appropriate.

ALLIE: It seemed proportionate. Now, there are some issues about whether or not as American citizens they should be here or not.

But I do think that it's wrong to spin any political capital by the Trump campaign on the Tate brothers.

GLENN: Okay. Hang on just a second, Allie Beth. She's the host, in case you don't. I'm sure you do. Of relatable on Blaze TV.

She is -- who was the lefty. What was it?

The New Yorker. Or the Atlantic. That claimed that you were --

ALLIE: Well, the new Phyllis Schlafly. Which is -- that is an honor. I've not filled those shoes.

But, yes.

STU: That was a great article.

ALLIE: Yeah. It was actually --

STU: I assumed it would be some kind of hit piece.

I thought it was very positive.

GLENN: They might have meant it as a hit piece.

ALLIE: They probably did.

GLENN: Normal people read it and say, yeah. Absolutely.

GLENN: So last year, we had like a billion women from everywhere, show up here in the Dallas area, in your Share the Arrows event. I unfortunately was out of town. Because I was ready to put in my skirt and go. There were like four guys there. But it was an amazing event.

ALLIE: Oh, thank you.

GLENN: And you're doing it again, when?

ALLIE: Yes. October 11th, outside of Dallas, Texas. And we have an actual arena this time. And we are super excited about it. We are announcing our speaker lineup next week.

And I just hope, by the grace of God, it's another really supernatural event.

GLENN: It will be. It will be.

STU: My wife Lisa went to this, absolute loved it. Brought seven or eight of her friends. They loved it. They want to go to the next one. Like, they spoke about it for weeks afterward.

ALLIE: Oh, good. Oh, that means a lot, thank you. Yeah.

STU: You did a great job with it, and I think you affected a lot of people.

ALLIE: Well, thank you. Blaze TV also, helped me pull it off. Everyone here. I wish I could list them all by name. It wouldn't have happened without them, truly.

GLENN: Maybe we could get one of the Tate brothers on October 11th, to go -- his crowd could go beat your crowd up.

ALLIE: Oh, that sounds perfect.

STU: That is a good idea.

ALLIE: Hmm. Wow.

GLENN: Wow. Thank you, Glenn, for that idea.

Anyway, how do you get tickets?

ALLIE: People can find out all about it. If you've got any questions. Go there. That's where you can get tickets. Bring your small group. Bring your mother-in-law. Sister-in-law. Sister's friends. Anyone. As long as they are a woman. They have to be an actual woman to be there, though. Glenn can't just grow out his hair and attend. Sorry.

STU: He loves Broadway. Does that help?

GLENN: I'm practically 100 percent chick.

ALLIE: So you're nonbinary is what you're saying.

GLENN: Anyway, what are the topics? Well, you can't tell the speakers, but can you tell the topics?

ALLIE: Yes. So Share the Arrows is a call to action. When your fellow believer is getting lambasted or rejected or bullied or whatever for standing up for what God says is good, right, and true. Rather than saying, I'm glad that's not happening to me. You stand up and say, okay. Enemy, whatever arrows, you are throwing against her, I will take them too. And that can really turn things around. I have watched that happen over and over again. There was one attendee, who sent me a message last year. And said, I walked out of Share the Arrows with zero fear of man. And that's what I want every mom, every young woman, every grandma to walk out with Share the Arrows feeling.

So we will hit on really controversial topics. We will talk about the typical gender abortion all of that, but motherhood. Apologetics. The New Age. Reproductive technology. All this stuff that people don't tend to hear at women's conferences. We will hear from a Christian perspective.

GLENN: That is great.

ALLIE: Thank you.

GLENN: You're just a gem. Allie Beth Stucky. You can find her on Blaze TV. She's the host of Relatable. Look at the podcast wherever you get your podcast. Share the Again, it's happening in October 11th.

In Dallas, Texas. October 11th. You can get your tickets and find out all the information at

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