Sometimes you do these stories and say WOW.
Sometimes you do these stories and say WHY.
Sometimes you say both. Some examples.
Chicopee Police Spokesman Mike Wilk tells us there are some things you shouldn't put on your social media feed. Among them he tells us is when you are a couple of 17 year old kids at the high school “allegedly” causing 2 thousand dollars worth of damage to a police cruiser parked outside of the high school.
There was a fair amount of confusion out of the other end of the state when, for no specific reason a driver stopped his car in the center lane of the Mass Pike, got out of his car and started yelling at a school bus driver for having dark windows. Police are still looking for the driver of the car.
Out of Worcester we are surprised to hear about the woman in line at the coffee shop drive thru when she was assaulted with an umbrella by a man and a woman. Police spokesman Kerry Hazelhurst in trying to explain the story to reporters says “this is an unusual case.” The 31 year old woman received a four inch gash but is ok. No arrests.
Did you say Wow or Why?
(picture provided by Mike Wilk, Chicopee Police Department)